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October 26, 2020


George Lucas, Raiz Group CEO

The US is under the investor microscope at the moment, with markets being driven by the ongoing Washington deadlock over a new round of stimulus and the likelihood of a deal being brokered before the November 3 elections. At the same time, focus continues to be on the COVID-19 situation in the US as case numbers rise and some states report that hospitals are under strain.

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October 23, 2020

It’s commonly said that it takes money to make money. That is effectively true – those who live payslip to payslip with no spare cash have little to re-invest or save for a rainy day. However, if you take the time to re-evaluate your finances, you’ll realise that setting aside even the smallest of dollar amounts can really add up over a lifetime.

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October 12, 2020


George Lucas, Raiz Group CEO

Last week saw China’s currency stage its biggest rally in 15 years, spurred on by a wave of foreign demand for Chinese assets and rising expectations that a victory by Democratic hopeful Joe Biden in next month’s US presidential election could help reset relations between the two superpowers.

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October 11, 2020

We have all made changes to our everyday lives out of necessity or choice because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has touched each and every one of us, affecting where and indeed if we are working, how we connect and stay in touch with our families and friends, how we exercise, and how we shop.

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September 29, 2020

Raiz Super now has over $70 million in funds under management (FUM).

Just like a bank account or your Raiz Account, superannuation is your money. That’s why we want you to feel confident and connected to your future, enabling you to view all your investments in one place, on your mobile phone, through the Raiz App.

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